Tuesday, February 21, 2006



Spent the last two and a half days of work moving stuff from one floor to another in my building at work. What does this involve you ask? Well, since these are special areas, the movers arent allowed to help us move much of anything other than furniture. This means I have to disconnect all of the computers (about 40), move them, and set them up in the new labs. Ok...not too difficult. The fun starts when you realize that the new labs are half the size of the old labs. After rearranging the furniture layout, compressing everything, and smashing my fingers a few times, everything is pretty much in order. Now, I just have to wait for stuff out of my control to happen so we can actually get some network access. Funny how dependent I am on the internet these days. Time to pray for another lab-wide power outage to give me a little R&R...

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